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September is Life Insurance Awareness Month

September 6, 2022

There’s no more appropriate time than Life Insurance Awareness Month to ensure your clients’ life insurance policies are living up to expectations.

Just like other assets in your clients’ portfolios, clients’ life insurance policies need to be periodically reviewed due to numerous reasons—client priorities may have shifted, the economic and tax environment may warrant different approaches, policies may be underperforming, or newer products may be better suited to reaching client objectives.

Highland can help you through every step of the policy review process. To start, download these policy review resources to open up conversations with clients and streamline the process.

Then reach out to your Highland Vice President. We’ll help you conduct a comprehensive policy review by:

  • Providing guidance, training, sales tools, and support you need for a successful, comprehensive review. 
  • Analyzing a client’s current solution, determining appropriateness for a client’s goals, and pinpointing gaps in coverage.
  • Uncovering newer, potentially lower-cost alternative products.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to optimize your clients’ financial plan. Life Insurance Awareness Month is the perfect time to get started.

If you have questions about the policy review process or have clients that could benefit from a comprehensive review, contact your Highland Vice President or call 855.HCB.4YOU (855.422.4968).


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