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Go Paperless with Highland’s
Term Business Submission

Highland is excited to announce a change to our term business submission guidelines – we’re going paperless. Our goal is to make your term insurance quoting and submissions smoother than ever before.

As of Feb. 29, all cases with premiums of $2,500 or less will be required to opt for our streamlined, paperless options. We're here to make this transition seamless for you.

Explore your digital options available now


EasyLife training resources can be found here.

Sign up for Quotacy for advisors

We do the work. You split the commission with our team. You maintain agent of record.

Introducing HCB Select Term now on EasyLife - your smart choice

What is HCB Select Term? It’s your one-stop solution housed within the EasyLife quote tool. Simply choose “HCB Select Term” under “Product Group,” and you’ll receive a curated list of carriers that meet our rigorous criteria for cycle time, placement rate, and more.


Not just any carriers – these are handpicked partners continually assessed and updated to ensure excellence. Consider the new option as your personal, life insurance advisor, available to guide you through every step of the quoting process. View the latest information about our current Select Term carriers. Join us and go paperless for term insurance cases today.

If your firm or agency has an alternative process for submitting term cases, you should follow those procedures before submitting business.

For questions, call your Highland representative or (855) HCB-4YOU.

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